Latest project news



Second Workshop for Healthcare professionals from PHC 15.11.2022

On 15.11.2022 has been held the second Workshop for Healthcare professionals in PHC from the 18 Primary Healthcare Centres in Montenegro where Project manager and Lead Researcher Ms Maja Stanković has presented the key results of the conducted Project activities. The workshop is realized trough two sessions. Minutes Presentation

Coordination meeting CInMED – MG Soft – Request for Additional Reports 21.10.2022

Coordination meeting was held over Zoom platform on 21.10.2022. Current realisation of Project activities and the document with CInMED's additional requirements in order to generate reports necessary for the preparation of defined outputs were considered. Minutes are available on following Link.

Second edition of brochure and flyer Monitoring the prescription of diclofenac with the aim of optimisation of its safe use published October 2022

In October 2022 the second edition of brochure and flyer Monitoring the prescription of diclofenac with the aim of optimisation of its safe use were published. In these materials are presented the results of the Project. Here are available Brochure and Flyer.

Coordination meeting CInMED – MG Soft - Preparing Additional Reports 16.05.2022

Coordination meeting was held over Zoom platform on 16.05.2022. Cross-section of the situation was made in relation to the realized Project activities and the activities that need to be completed in the remaining period of the Project. Minutes are available on following Link.

Approval of Grant contract implementation period extension by eight months March 2022

Accordingly to General conditions applicable to European Union financed grant contracts for external actions (Annex II of the Grant Contract), Article 9, Article 11 and Article 2 of the Special conditions of the Grant contract, the CInMED requested for an extension of the action's implementation period. The reasons are stated below. The extension of the implementation period of the Grant contract has been approved for eight months, until November 16th 2022. The reasons are as follows: 1. The third narrative report and Notification Letter No5 submitted to the CFCU (Contracting Authority) for approval, set out the reasons for postponing the implementation of the Project activities belonging to the Work Package (WP4) and consequently activities belonging to Work Package (WP5). The reasons for postponing mainly refer to the poor epidemiological situation in Montenegro, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, which worsened especially in the second year of implementation of this Project, when these activities were supposed to be implemented. Institute for Medicines and Medical Devices - Coordinator, MG SOFT – Project Partner, as well as Ministry of health – final beneficiary and healthcare professionals-target groups were actively engaged in fight against COVID19 pandemic, which was set out as a top priority in health sector, since its emerged. This caused some delays in Project progress. 2. WP4 activities assumed introducing diclofenac prescribing warning messages in the primary health care (PHC) information system. Realization of these activities, which were necessary for implementation of the Project activities belonging to the Work Package (WP5) was completed on 4th October 2021 instead of in May 2021, as it was initially planned. Effectiveness of this measure introduced in PHC information system will be monitored until 4th November 2022, taking into consideration the fact that for implementation of these warnings and change of the doctors' behavior regarding the prescribing of diclofenac, it is necessary for a certain amount of time to pass. 3. WP5 activities includes analysis of diclofenac PHC prescribing data and preparation for publishing two scientific articles. In one of two scientific articles the impact of the warning messages imposed on diclofenac prescribing in primary health care will be analyzed scientifically, in the 12 months period after the introduction of warning messages.

Implementation of warning messages in IS of PHC 04.10.2021

Thanks to the CInMED as Project Coordinator, in collaboration with its MG SOFT-Project partner and with the approval of Ministry of Health and support of Health Insurance Fund warning messages have been implemented in IS of PHC with ultimate goal to rationalise prescribing of diclofenac and improve public and individual health. The warning messages in IS of PHC serve to HCPs as reminder on key information on safety profile of diclofenac and necessary steps that need to be taken by their side to prescribe diclofenac in safe and effective way..

First Workshop for Healthcare professionals in PHC 01.10.2021

On 01.10.2021. has been held the first Workshop for Healthcare professionals in PHC from the 18 Primary Healthcare Centres in Montenegro where Project manager and Lead Researcher Ms Maja Stanković has presented the Project and the main objectives of the Project. The workshop is realized trough two sessions. Here are available Minutes, Presentation and Instructions for PHC professionals from the workshop.

First edition of brochure and flyer published September 2021

In September 2021 were published the first edition of brochure and flyer Monitoring the prescription of diclofenac with the aim of optimisation of its safe use where are presented the Project and the main Project acivities and objectives. Here are available Brochure and Flyer.

Coordination meeting CInMED – MG Soft 13.09.2021

Coordination meeting was held over Zoom platform on 13.09.2021. On the meeting were considered topics regarding DEV 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 and preparations for the creation of the narrative and financial interim report. Minutes are available on following Link.

Project Presentation for MoH and HIF 24.06.2021

On 24.06.2021. Maja Stanković as Project Manager and Lead Researcher held the presentation of the Project to the representatives of Ministry of Health and Health Insurance Fund. Participants were introduced to the Project from the aspect of organization, resources and the team that implements it as the Project's basic assumptions and Project goals. Minutes are available on following Link and delivered presentation Link .

CFCU On-spot visit27.05.2021

On the 27.05.2021. an On-spot visit was performed by CFCU (Contracting Authority). The complete documentation of the Project has been reviewed and it was determined that there were no deviations in management and documentation of the Project. Here are available the Minutes and Verification.

Coordination meeting CInMED – MG Soft 14.05.2021

Coordination meeting was held over Zoom platform on 14.05.2021. On the meeting were considered the topics regarding delayed activities which belong to work package 4 (WP4) due to the COVID 19 pandemic and other Project activities issues. Minutes are available on following Link.

Monitoring visit and support for preparation of interim report and OTSC 01.04.2020

Monitoring visit and support for preparation of interim report and OTSC was held on 1. April 2021. Monitoring was conducted by MS. Ivana Staljetović from ICE (International Consulting Expertise) and Ms. Snežana Vukotić from Ministry of Education, Sciene and Culture of Montenegro. Minutes are available on following Link.

Forth coordination meeting 15.03.2021

Coordination meeting was held on zoom platfrom on 15.03.2021. Current realisation of project activities were considered and new project activities were discussed. Minutes are available on following Link.

Meeting with external research experts 05.02.2021

CInMED research team held a meeting with external research experts, Viola Macolić-Šarinić, European Medicines Agency as a PRAC (Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee) Scientific Committee Lead and Silva Dobrić, Full Professor at the Military Medical Academy in Belgrade. During the meeting, the Project Manager and Lead researcher, Maja Stanković, has presented the most important aspects of the project such as project background and activities implemented so far, and also the outputs that needs to be delivered and expected timeframe. Photos are available on following Link.


Project coordinator official name change 12.11.2020

We would like to inform you that according to Article 215 of the Law on Medicines ("Official Gazette of Montenegro" No. 080/20 of 04.08.2020), the Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices, short name CALIMS, has changed its name to the Institute for Medicines and Medical Devices, short name CInMED, and from the 12.11.2021. Only the new name is in use. In this regard, the necessary changes have been made on the project website.


Project presented on TV Vijesti 02.10.2020

Monitoring the prescription of diclofenac with the aim of optimisaion of its safe use Project manager Ms. Maja Stanković was hosted at TV Vijesti Morning Show programme, presenting project goals and activities. News was published on TV Vijesti web site on Link, and also published on Youtube Link

Project IT equipment delivered 25.09.2020

According to the adopted procurement plan, project IT equipment was delivered to project coordinator CInMED. Project IT equiplent consists from 2 servers and 3 laptops.Photo 1 Photo 2

Report “Reports on organized user trainings and workshops in CInMED” delivered 24.08.2020

Work Package 2 (WP2) Report DEV 2.3 “Reports on organized user trainings and workshops in CInMED” was delivered and published. Two online workshops ere conducted for CInMED employes in using developed BI tools for the project. Link.

Report “Business Intelligence tools for data analysis of prescribed medicines” delivered 24.07.2020

Work Package 2 (WP2) Report DEV 2.2 “Business Intelligence tools for data analysis of prescribed medicines” was delivered and published. Report explains developed and implemented BI tools of the project. Link.

Report “Data warehouse model for prescribing medicine in PHC” delivered 16.06.2020

Work Package 2 (WP2) Report DEV 2.1 “Data warehouse model for prescribing medicine in PHC” was delivered and published. Report explains developed Data Warehouse (DW) as basis for Business Inteligence (BI) tools that will be developed as next project activity. Link.

Third coordination meeting 02.06.2020

Third coordination meeting was held in premises of MG Soft. Creation of visual identity of the project and project website were discussed. Link.

Second coordination meeting 30.04.2020

Due to Covid-19 epidemic, second coordination meeting was held over Skype. Inital dataset for project Data Warehouse model were discussed. Link.

First coordination meeting 31.03.2020

Due to Covid-19 epidemic, first coordination meeting of project partners was held over Skype. First project activities and documents needing approval of CFCU were discussed. Link.


Monitoring the prescription of diclofenac with the aim of optimisation of its safe use



Project manager: Maja Stanković

+382 (20) 310 280

Bulevar Ivana Crnojevića 64a   
81000 Podgorica